Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Weekend (butterflies 2)

Sonya and I drove to UVA to see the last day of the show I'm in at the UVA Art Museum. It's a show called "The Figure in Photography, 1995-2005" and includes works by Dawoud Bey, Sharon Core, Chan Chao, Hellen van Meene, and Jenny Gage, among others.

In the main lobby is a painting by Willard Midgette, a really beautiful piece.
On Sunday, needing coffee, we drove to Lynchburg and found a great place- The Starlight. Good coffee, Huevos, biscuits. A nice atmosphere...and no one on laptops.

I went across the street to watch the pickup basketball game in session. Unfortunately I stood a little too close to three guys smoking weed, and after a few minutes one of them said "You better get out of here with your camera before you get hurt." I didn't understand him, and had to ask him three times what he was saying. Sort of embarrassing to have to ask a guy to repeat his threat three times.
We walked on the trail to Percival island and witnessed a baptism.

On Monday, Kay came down and helped us move our stuff into our house. We walked around campus and came upon a dog that had nestled into a swamp, in shock from the heat. There wasn't much we could do except for give him water. Sonya stayed with him for an hour. The police called Animal Control and we returned home.
The next morning we went back to look for him, but he was gone. A friendly man who was fishing pointed out some Monarchs for me to photograph.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Thanks for posting your recent adventures! Corey and I have certainly enjoyed reading about your trip out, Patch and more. Send us a postcard with your address!
our love to you and Sonya,
Mo & Co