Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ghosts of CSU past

It's been a trip being back at CSU. Here is Gary's office, which i'll be inhabiting for four months. It's a little too much stimulation to tell the truth. All around the office, and in the lab, are little mementoes from years past.

Dave Grant and I held a competition to see who could grow the "best" facial hair. I grew a nice, trim little 'stache, and Dave grew this Amish thing. He won.

Corey Drieth, in a pre-cursor to Photoshop editing
Jeff Lush
Gary. Note how Rachel eats Cheetos and looks unimpressed by whatever he is saying
Doug Dertinger and Corey
Shena and Brigid Mcauliffe looking very serious
Adam Schreiber in the hallway
Theo (Boo) and Shena, and Boo's cousin Josh at left
Bill and Kay - Xeroxed
This is the teaching team at CSU this semester. Me and Denise Kinrade.

1 comment:

anna k said...

i pretty much can't believe this hairstyle. really.