Friday, September 3, 2010


We met up with Bill and Kay in Richmond, ate some Thai food near VCU, and then went off to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts where one of Bill's Carrara images is on display. I've never seen these images on the wall and framed, so it was a real treat.
Some anamorphic scuplture.
Cy Twombly scribbles.

Richmond is a great city and we'll have to go back for more. Here's a sign of how far technology has come since I was in college.
Then we drove over to Belle Island and crossed the bridge. The day was warm and humid and people were crossing over to enjoy the day.

It's a little paradise over on Belle Island. People soaking in the warm water, nestled in rock pools.
Umm...using technology

Next time we'll bring our swimsuits. And more time to explore.

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