Monday, February 28, 2011

Guessing Game

Tomorrow, Mar 1st, Sonya will be one week past due. I know I should have done this sooner to give everyone a chance, but I only have 3 readers of this blog anyway, so here goes:
Send me your guess as to the date, time of birth, and whether it'll be a boy or girl, and the person who is closest will win 1 free 11"x14" print. Your choice if you want, or mine if you are open. You can post in the comments or send me an email.


Morgan said...

my guess is that your little
... girl will be born on March 4th at 8pm
Corey's guess is that your little
... girl will be born on March 3rd at 10:15am

or we both wonder if it will happen tonight :D

lovely photo of Sonya...

Glasserkey said...

March 3rd at 8:30 am (wishful thinking)...
a boy...
and I forfeit my prize (should I win) since I get to live amongst your art everyday!

Unknown said...

march 7, 5:30 am.
boy baby
although nearly every moment of every day i am convinced it is already happening.