Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall and the Fair

Our friend James was visiting his family last week in Northern Virginia. He drove down for a night and we cooked up some spaghetti and grilled Romaine. Sonya's brother Peter also came down from D.C. and we made it to a 9 pm showing of "the Town" ("by the visionary director of "Gone Baby Gone" (otherwise known as Ben Affleck). Our little town here doesn't get much in the way of movies.

The next morning James pulled out his shotgun, drove to Wal-Mart and bought some shells, and we got a pumpkin and proceeded to shoot at it in our backyard. We're in need of practice before we go turkey hunting.

James shows us the ropes.
Sonya was the instigator of borrowing James' gun to shoot a turkey for Thanksgiving. I think she is having second thoughts after actually firing the gun.
James left for Richmond, and so Peter and Sonya and I drove out to the 5 County Fair. We scaled the Wall, trying to win $100.00. (I had to teach some Photoshop moves to my class...this is what you get in a 10 minute demo.)
Deep Fried Oreos
Deep Fried Twinkies. We had to try them of course.

And then it was back to work.

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