Thursday, September 23, 2010

the digital age

There are days when I just wish that I could get into an old analog color darkroom and print my images. Instead I've been forced into learning all this information, which will probably change every 6 months with different programs and downloaded plug-ins with names like "Noise Ninja". And how best to sharpen prints? Unsharp Mask? Smart Sharpen? High Pass Filter? When all I want is some paper and a homemade dodge tool made from a piece of wire and some black tape.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Good Days

It's been a long time since anyone just dropped by the house for a spontaneous visit. Any house....going back to maybe The Antler's Hotel in Fort Collins. So when Greg called up and said he was on his way down from Charlottesville I said "come on down". He pulled in at 8 pm and we ate Panzanella, cheese and salami, and some bread, with a little Ben and Jerry's for dessert, while we watched "Temple Grandin". That movie is so sweet and powerful, and Claire Danes rocked the role. I was hoping for a re-creation of Fort Collins circa 1985, but the movie didn't go that far.

In the morning Greg and I drove down to town and went to "the Bakery", a Belgian owned little pastry and deli and ate 4 pastries and 4 cups of coffee in the upstairs room (named "the Hopper Room", for the light)
We brought back some Decaf for Sonya and threw the frisbee, relaxed, Greg drew some pictures and found some deer teeth in the front yard. All very much like the old days.


Friday, September 3, 2010


We met up with Bill and Kay in Richmond, ate some Thai food near VCU, and then went off to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts where one of Bill's Carrara images is on display. I've never seen these images on the wall and framed, so it was a real treat.
Some anamorphic scuplture.
Cy Twombly scribbles.

Richmond is a great city and we'll have to go back for more. Here's a sign of how far technology has come since I was in college.
Then we drove over to Belle Island and crossed the bridge. The day was warm and humid and people were crossing over to enjoy the day.

It's a little paradise over on Belle Island. People soaking in the warm water, nestled in rock pools.
Umm...using technology

Next time we'll bring our swimsuits. And more time to explore.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wild Animals

We rode the High Bridge trail out to the High Bridge, a long and high railroad bridge crossing the Appomattox river. Grant's army pursed Robert E. Lee over this bridge on their way from Richmond towards Appomattox Court House. We haven't gotten to that point yet in Ken Burn's "the Civil War".
A little cat trotted out from nowhere to greet us.

This morning, on my way in to teach Bridge to my digital students, I got chased by several beagles down the dangerous road to school. Right past Granny B's Market. If anyone asks where we live I say "Across from Granny B's" and they all nod and say "they have the best Fried Chicken"