Monday, July 23, 2007

Art and friends

Lawrence, Grace, and Bob at Eduardo's art opening at ArtPace San Antonio
Celia and I drove to Houston. When we walked down one of the corridors at the Menil we came upon my friend Rebecca (from CSU) with her 5 month old son, Esteban. They were there because her husband, Guillermo, is in town for a job for 5 weeks.
A marble inlaid piece from a collection of objects that the Surrealists admired. Anonymous from the 16th Century
Another piece- a necklace made of birds
Celia and Cy

Friday, July 20, 2007

Rocking in the Free World

Italian left-overs

Lidia and Adam in the kitchen at Santa Chiara.
The Arno River
Putti at the Museo del Opera del Duomo
Fiori and Odoardo
Bill and Adam at Santa Chiara. Bill taught a pinhole photography class there
Me and Gumo rocking out.

Life at Gabi's

The capana at Gabi's where we stayed. This used to be just a broken down hut out back that they cleared out and fixed up into the sweetest little one bedroom in Tuscany
Gabi shows us the ropes
Gabi and her granddaughter, Mathilde
Gabi and Sorana
Mark, Soran, and Mathilde out on the town- on their way to the Medieval Fest
Mimmi Secco
Mark welds the frame of one of his custom built titanium bikes.
Gabi and Oskar
Gabi's flowers
Gabi and Mathilde

Friends (part 2)

Adam and Enea (Britt and Ramon's baby)
Anita on the train to Arezzo
The Antique Fair at Arezzo. Bill bargained with a guy and got this stuffed bird
Johnny Stecchino and Anita
Tom, Dick and Adam at Cafe San Marco. Best cappuccino in Florence
Rosanna, Ramon, and Bill outside of their hair salon
Ramon and Anita
Adam and Luna

Friends and Food

Adam with a panino from Antico Noa
Silvano Roggi takes our order.
Pesto pasta in Rome
Sofy and her boyfriend Federico in Rome- my last night there
Celebrating Bill's birthday. Two months late
Lunch on a marble slab from a little Alimentari- Prosciutto, pecorino and ciaccia
Lunch at our favorite place in Cortona. Enoteca da Imola. Imola is about to bring us warm ciaccia, prosciutto and salame, cheese, and tomato's and artichoke's drizzled in truffled olive oil.
My lunch at the Rosi/Barelli family's house
Manuela and Linda at the Sfizzeria
After the Antique market we went to this little Trattoria

Carrara (part 2)

view of Carrara
Inside a quarry
Quarry roof
Bill recording

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Adam at the Gioa quarry
Carraran style graffiti- done with a stone cutter. Bill displays the skills that make him a "Wizard of Rock"
Adam in Carrara- The long view ala Caspar David Friedrich
Italian grafitti
Carraran bible
Espresso in Lucca