Saturday, March 31, 2007

april 1 2007

The UT VAC space, with Robert, Lawrence and Grace

Celia and Anna

I went to TopNotch burgers for the first time...really good burgers and Texas ambiance
Celia's 5"x7"s

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

march 28 2007

Spring is here in Austin. I needed a break in my day to recharge and so i went to the Blanton and looked at portraits.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I saw Brandi in the UT Fine Arts library and photo stalked her. She was looking at images by the photographer who did "A Child is Born"...those starry images of fetuses floating in placental space.
King Street is lush in spring time.
Lawrence was looking at images from miami. Adam's photograph of LBJ's moon is in the background
R2 post box

Sunday, March 25, 2007